Service issue affecting SORACOM User Console
Our engineering team observed that the list of files and/or devices (e.g. SORACOM Harvest Files, LoRa devices) was not displayed correctly in SORACOM user console between 2023-10-16 02:04 and 05:58 UTC.
The User Console is now operating normally. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused during this time.
We have identified the root cause of issues with displaying list in the user console, and have implemented a fix.
We are currently monitoring our platform components as the service is recovering, and will update this page once the service is fully restored.
The list of files and/or devices (e.g. SORACOM Harvest Files, LoRa devices) is not displayed correctly in SORACOM user console since 2023-10-16 02:04 UTC.
Our engineering team is currently handling this issue. No failures in communication via SORACOM Air, operations via the SORACOM API, the device or the files themselves have been confirmed.
Some operations via the user console are currently unavailable.
Our engineering team is investigating for this issue.
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