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(Backfill) Data transfer delay affecting SORACOM Funnel (Japan Coverage, Google Cloud Pub/Sub Adapter users)

Minor incident Funnel plan-D plan-K plan-DU plan-KM1
2021-11-18 01:00 JST · 0 microseconds



(English follows Japanese)

日本時間 2021/11/18 13:15 頃から 20:37 頃まで Google Cloud Pub/Sub アダプターを利用した SORACOM Funnel (日本カバレッジ) の一部のデータ転送に遅延が発生していました。


Our engineering team identified a data transfer delay affecting SORACOM Funnel (Japan Coverage) using the Google Cloud Pub/Sub Adapter between 2021-11-18 04:15 (UTC) and 2021-11-18 11:37 (UTC).

The service is now operating normally. We apologize for any inconvenience caused during this time.

2021-11-18 · 21:21 JST

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