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Connectivity issue with a subset of Air SIMs for Global

障害 Air for セルラー plan01s (ランデブーポイント: フランクフルト)
2019-03-28 16:19 JST · 3時間, 47分, 27秒



2019-03-28 15:33 (JST) から 18:45 の間に、グローバル向け Air SIM の一部において接続しにくい問題が発生しておりました。原因の対処とその経過観察が完了しており、現在は平常通りご利用いただけます。このたびはご迷惑をおかけし、誠に申し訳ございませんでした。

Our engineering team identified a connectivity issue that affected SORACOM Air SIM for Global attempting to establish new connections between 2019-03-28 06:33 UTC and 9:45. The root cause had been identified and the issue has been resolved. The service is now operating normally. We apologize for any inconvenience caused during this time.

2019-03-28 · 20:06 JST


Our engineering team identified a connectivity issue that affected SORACOM Air SIM for Global attempting to establish new connections. We have identified the root cause and implemented a fix. We are continuing to monitor our networking components as they recover, and will update this page once our service is fully restored. We apologize for any inconvenience during this time.

2019-03-28 · 19:01 JST


Our engineering team are continuing to investigate the connectivity issue affecting SORACOM Air SIM for Global service. We are working with our roaming network operator to coordinate a solution.

2019-03-28 · 18:31 JST

2019/03/28 16:00(JST) 頃よりグローバル向け Air SIM の一部において接続しにくい問題が発生しております。現在原因を調査中です。ご不便をおかけ致しまして大変申し訳ございません。

We are experiencing a connectivity issue affecting a subset of Air SIMs for Global from 2019-03-28 07:00 UTC. We are investigating the issue. We apologize for any inconvenience.

2019-03-28 · 16:19 JST

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