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Network issue which affected a number of Air SIMs for Global LTE

Minor incident Air for Cellular plan01s (Rendezvous point: Frankfurt)
2019-02-24 01:00 JST · 0 microseconds



Our engineering team identified a connectivity issue that affected a number of LTE Global Air SIMs around 2019-02-23 13:43UTC. The issue has been resolved as of 15:40, and LTE Air SIM connectivity should now be operating normally. We apologize for any inconvenience.

2019/02/23 13:43 (UTC) から Air SIM for GlobalのLTE接続の一部が通信しづらい状況となっておりました。
2019/02/23 15:40 (UTC) に復旧を確認しており、現在は解決され正常な状態となっています。ご不便をおかけ致しまして誠に申し訳ございません。

2019-02-24 · 01:00 JST

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